More students than ever participated in the Eurekaweek, the official introduction week of Erasmus University Rotterdam from 20 to 24 August 2017. Special attention was given to international students, master students and students with a multicultural background. The Eurekaweek is the ideal way for new students to get to know each other, the university, the various student associations and the city. For four days groups of about fifteen people explored student life in Rotterdam. The organization of the Eurekaweek received a record number of participants: about 3200 master and bachelor students.

Record attempt with Sustainable Dancefloor

The theme this year was 'All hands on deck'. This of course refers to the port of Rotterdam and the characteristic mentality of the city, but 'all' also stood for inclusiveness and diversity. The latter values are important themes for the Erasmus University. During the Eurekaweek 2017 there was also a lot of attention for sustainability. For example, on the 'Sustainable Dancefloor' new students tried to generate a record amount of electricity while dancing. This record attempt took place at the Schouwburgplein in Rotterdam center. At the festival, reusable hard plastic cups are also donated, and this program component - because of its focus on sustainability, energy and innovation - was sponsored by the Make It Happen brand alliance.
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Erasmus University Rotterdam

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