We are a university of applied sciences that offers education to students and professionals as well as practical research for the vocational field. Our offer is a wide variety in programs and also very recognizable to the regional work field: from Health to Economy and Education.

Our education is distinct in regards to the themes Sustainability, Health and Creativity. Students and teachers work together in these areas along with the work field, government and societal partners. We challenge students to learn. Our approach is personal and close, coming forth from the conviction that – teachers as well as students – success as well as setbacks are the key to development as professionals and as human beings. Diversity is power.

No words, just action

Our entrepreneurial focused education prepares students for a successful career.

No words, just actions, is our pay off. Similar to that of the city of Rotterdam. Students obtain knowledge and gain experience in work places in the region, internships abroad and during actual projects in the boroughs. Because important challenges can be found outside of university. Learn by doing: that’s how the fastest growth is achieved.

Cool and creative

Our co-working and learning space plint010 was established in order to enhance the connection with the work field. Via our #100days support program for first year students we help our students study successfully. According to CNN Rotterdam is the ‘New capital of cool’. The city is creative and always developing. We create education that ensures that our student experience this the most and learn from it.

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