Rotterdam is a podium for talent and entrepreneurship in a wide variety of manifestations. On a daily basis, Rotterdam residents use their own ways to express the Make it Happen philosophy. That also applies to the people of Rotterdam Open Screen Festival, who have been organizing the Rotterdam Open Screen film nights for the past five years, as a place where starting filmmakers have an opportunity to screen their work. You could call it an incubator, a breeding ground, or possibly the Wild West of the short films. The Make It Happen philosophy hits the silver screen. Rotterdam Open Screen is a place where something exciting and new is always happening. This is where ambitious filmmakers meet the professionals as well as the audience. In 2016, the programme of monthly film nights has been extended with a three-day Rotterdam Open Screen Festival in Lantaren Venster and workshops at secondary schools. Beginning Rotterdam filmmakers can submit their shorts (i.e. short films) to Rotterdam Open Screen. A jury picks the most wonderful, beautiful, inspiring and creative submissions for the monthly screening in Lantaren Venster. This approach creates a varied film programme in which four short movies are screened in the presence of the makers every Tuesday of the month. There will always be a professional from the film or media world present who asks questions; of course there will also be room for questions from the audience. Meike Lindsen, festival coordinator of Rotterdam Open Screen: “It is a unique opportunity in Rotterdam to have a film shown on the big screen. It’s obviously very exciting for the filmmakers, because they are essentially exposed to actual professional criticism.”
Meike about the reason why Rotterdam Open Screen exists and where the new festival comes from: “Now that the Rotterdam film fund has been discontinued, Rotterdam could use an initiative like Rotterdam Open Screen more than ever. Rotterdam can be a film city again. We want to encourage young starting filmmakers and provide a nice platform for them to flourish.” And Lantaren Venster is where it all happens. This famous cinema on the Kop van Zuid peninsula hosts the film night once a month. At the start of September 2018 the new season of Rotterdam Open Screen is expected. More information: Rotterdams Open Doek.
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