‘Bringing some colour back to those children’s pale faces during the war’ – that was the ambition that prompted the foundation of Scapino Ballet in 1945, immediately after WWII. It was the first professional dance company specifically for young people, and today it is the oldest modern dance company in the Netherlands.


Scapino Ballet Rotterdam has been the city’s dance group since 1992, and as such it is a stepping stone for young, talented choreographers and dancers, as well as a true favourite of dance lovers both in the city and country-wide. Internationally renowned choreographers such as Annabel Lopez Ochoa, Marco Goecke, Nanine Linning and Marcos Morau realised their first work in Rotterdam.

‘Scapino Ballet Rotterdam is a creative dance company. Our pieces originate in studios in the heart of the city, after which they are performed throughout the country’.


Rotterdam is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and collaboration for Scapino Ballet. We collaborate with cultural colleagues, institutions and the medical industry, using dance to help people to learn, connect and experience. We are proud to be a brand partner of Rotterdam. Make It Happen.

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